+385912505950(SLO,PL,CZ,SK,F); +385915658400(GB,E,P)

When arriving in Croatia by car you are required to carry a valid driving license, car registration card and your Green Card (proof of car insurance). Rent-a-car customers must have international driving license. Motorcycle drivers must have “International Motor Third part Liability Insurance document.“

Croatia has developed network of motorways.

Traffic regulations

Speed limit:

  • 50 kph – cities
  • 90 kph – outskirts
  • 110 kph – major roads
  • 130 kph – motorways

Headlights - must be turned on during the day in the winter time. In the summer time, only if necessary.
Mobile phones – use is not permitted while driving except for hands-free systems.
Alcohol – permitted blood level of alcohol 0.5 ‰.
Seatbelts – compulsory for all passengers.

Gas Stations
Open from 07.00 – 20.00 every day; during the summer months gas stations are open until 22.00.
In large cities, and on the motorways gas stations are open 24/7.
Fuel available at gas stations: EuroSuper 95 BS, Class EuroSuper 95 BS, Eurodiesel BS, Class EuroDiesel BS and LPG.

Croatian Automobile Club (HAK)

General information

By calling + 385 62 777 777 you can get following information:

  • road conditions and naval traffic conditions
  • motorway tolls in Croatia or in other countries
  • gas prices in Croatia or in other countries
  • Croatian Auto Club membership information and rights
  • foreign Auto Clubs telephone numbers
  • advices for choosing the best driving route
  • ferry boat timetables in Croatia

Info center is available 24/7.

Useful telephone numbers

  • Roadside Assistance: + 385 1 987.
  • HAK Information Centre: + 385 62 777 777, 0-24 (English, German, Italian)

Breakdown and towing services

Breakdown service
HAK clubs and it’s affiliated local clubs throughout the country, dial +385 1 1987 if calling from a mobile phone or 987 form landline phone. On motorways use of roadside emergency phones, where available. In general, breakdown service is available 24 hours a day , in most major cities, especially along the coast during summer and only in Zagreb from 6.00am to 0.00pm.

Towing service
On the whole territory of the country, 24 hours a day, call Tel. nr 1987; by affiliated local clubs and contractual partners. Free of charge for holders of the International Assistance Booklet in terms of the “Snake” agreement, Category B, as well as “SMARC” agreement.

Road information
24 hours a day, call telephone nr (+ 385 1) 464 08 00; via radio (in Italian, English, and German languages during the summer), TV and press.

HAK applications for smartphones:

Croatia Traffic Info is a must-have app intended for tourists traveling to Croatia. It provides detailed traffic and travel information, as well as roadside assistance services and is available in English, German, Italian and Croatian language.

Android phones:






Here you can find HAK Smartphone application overview.

More information about Croatian Automobile Club.