Apartment Lavanda is located on the first floor and can acommodate 7+1 persons. The apartment consists of a living room-kitchen area equipped with everything you need on vacation (air-condition extra charged, TV-satellite, gas/electric stove, electric oven, multifunctional electric grill and pizza pan, regular electric grill), 3 bedrooms (first one has king size bed, second one has two separated regular beds and third one has one king size bed and additional regular bed), a bathroom/toilete and additional toilet. Towels and linen are provided. It also has two terraces (one is covered and the other is not) with tables, chairs, deckchairs. Apartment is suitable for children and elderly (wheelchair not accessible) and pets are subject to negotiation. Parking places are provided.
For staying less then 3 nights the price is 30% higher. Prices for each apartment are valid for declared number of persons. For more persons than declared, each person is extra charged (all details are negotiated with the owner).
Prices include:
During the season arrival is after 14.00 hours and departure before 10.00. Before or after the season arrival and departure can be negotiated. Find out more about House rules here.
Preseason(May&June) | Season(July&August) | Postseason(September&October) |
100€ | 120€ | 100€ |